
“Zero Pollute, Our Job!” – It has and always been the revelation for the genuine establishment, GoGreen Sdn. Bhd. since 1996. We are emphasized constructing buildings to be eco-friendly and act as a superior consultation services for the client’s buildings that require on nature friendly part of technologies. We also develop environmentally friendly product to make the world better.Our goal is to make everything electronic products in world to become eco-environmentally product.
In 1996 – 2000, GoGreen founder, Teng Kai Wing started the company with the name “Safe” as the name of the name of this enterprise. He then recruits out Boon Shin as his Project manager.  Along with their reliable employees, they commenced and were working on their first sustainable green project called “Green” which is involved eco-friendly issues and make the world a better place to live. The plan was to form a greener environment using eco-environmental friendly material such as solar energy as a usage of energy for household products.
In 2000 – present, the Company change the name into GoGreen because influenced by the “Green” green project. After that, company was recruited Ee Kai Shen as the Secretary, Hayyan Ishaq as the Manufacturing manager, and Sam Zai Keong as the Operation manager.